The Plumbers were in last week digging trenches and putting in the underground plumbing systems. The contractor commented "there is an awfully lot of plumbing in that building. I believe this area will be the kitchen and one of the bathrooms. I think it will take them the rest of next week to finish it as there are still a lot of trenches without any pipe in them.

Oops. I guess I should have rotated these two pictures before I uploaded them. I am still learning all of this tech stuff. Here is one of the trenches. After they dig them, then they put a remote control compactor in them. It has been interesting to watch all of the steps.

Patsy wanted me to post some pictures of the playground. I was hoping the "traffic signs" would show up. Maybe I'll put more of the playground next week. All of the sidewalks are the trike tracks for the multi-child ride-on toys. There are enough now that all 20 children per class can be on a trike. We usually only take out one class at a time.

This is the ball court with one of the basketball standards showing. The ball wall is for the children to throw and retrieve balls at to work on eye-hand coordination. We use the tables for finger painting or special (messy) outdoor snacks.
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