The reunion exceeded all dreams and expectations. It was SO much fun. All six girls from Bowen Apr. 13 were there. This is a picture they took of us and they arranged us in the same order as the portrait 37 years ago. 44 out of 63 women came to the reunion, including our dorm parents. (Our Branch President and counselor also came).

This was the "charger". I had never had a charger plate in my life so I learned what it was. We all wanted to take the plate with us. The reunion was held in the Gordon B. Hinckley Alumni House and everything was so beautiful. Dad drove me there and came for the last hour or so. It was nice to be able to relax and not have to drive.

These are the ladies who live in apt 12 and 13. I lived with some of them the next year. The girl in the green and beige, center front, lived with us the next year, Anell Pasket Gibelyou, and the girl next to her is Melanie Gard's sister, Tamela Rencher.

Here are my actual freshman roommantes. Bonnie Payne Bond who was from Wausau Wisconsin and now lives in Woods Cross, UT., Patsy Polson Baird whom I grew up with and have remained friends with now from Idaho Falls, Kathy Bigelo Bulkeley from Bakersfield, California, myself (still the shortest), Lynn Abegg Herron from Sugar City, ID, now living in SLC, and Gwen Dearden from Fillmore UT. It was so much fun to share our lives and renew our friendships.
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