Monday, September 29, 2008

Quinton's Birthday and Building Update

I don't know if Quinton was trying to act "cool" or like a nerd in his new goggles that Ryan and Melissa gave him for his birthday. He plans to start training to compete in a triathalon next summer. Ryan is going to be their "swimming coach" and Drew plans to compete with him.
We had Drew and Kara and Ryan, Melissa and Celeste over for his birthday dinner. He chose to have chicken and homemade noodles for his birthday dinner because he likes it. These are the forms that they built in the middle of the building sight. There are five of them and they will be the base for the big steel supports that will go down the center of the building.

The cement truck was there at 7:00 am when I drove into work this morning. They filled the forms with concrete and took off the forms this afternoon. The backfill is all completed around the foundation. Now I think they will start on the underground mechanical and plumbing procedures. There are no more piles of dirt around so they are about ready to let CWC have their pasture back so they can bring in their animals.

Here is a close up picture of the cement truck for Tayson. Big boy "Tonka Toys".

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Insulating Foundation - Backfill

Last week they put insulation on the inside of the foundation. It is supposed to prevent the cold from entering the building through the foundation. They also brought in the dirt work sub-contractor who started backfilling the ditches on both sides of the foundation. They bring in a bunch of dirt, spray it with water and then compact it with another heavy machine. The kids liked it because it vibrated the building and "tickled their bumbs" while they were sitting on the rug. It looks like the trenches are about half full. They should finish it up on Monday and then be ready for the plumber and mechanical to come and do the underground work before they pour the concrete floor. Dee asked what the difference was between the blue and yellow insulation and they said there is no difference, only the color.

Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15 building update

They poured the next part of the foundation on Wednesday afternoon. The kids loved watching the cement trucks and the big pumper again. Then on Thursday they removed the forms which are sitting next to the concrete foundation. These bolts are sticking up out of several places of the foundation. We are guessing that they will be used to secure the steel posts of the building.
The building was delivered on Monday on three semi trucks. CWC is being very accomodating to let us use their pasture as a storage area and worksight. The little trailer is where the superintendent has his office and where we have our Wednesday weekly meetings regarding the construction.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Building update

Two trucks arrived at the preschool this morning. They have brought the steel building. It's a few weeks early, but they had to get it while the could. They have unloaded it in the CWC Foundation field. More on CWC in a later blog.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 7th Update

The construction workers work four, ten hour days per week and since Monday was a holiday, they only worked three days last week. They about finished framing this part of the foundation and are supposed to have another concrete pour this week. I think the steel building is also supposed to be delivered this week, even though they are not quite ready for it. These are the two sets of "cubbies" that Ryan built for the preschool. They are really nice and provide a good place to store the helmets that the children must wear on the playground trike track. We have more boys than girls so they get the larger set. We still have several more children that haven't brought in their helmets yet so I hope they will all fit. We had to add an extra 3 year old class this year. The preschool is getting very large and a bit overwhelming, especially on the first two weeks while we are still trying to teach the children school manners. We have nearly 140 students this year. Is that crazy or what? I am glad that Melissa has agreed and is excited to be the Director of the new Child Care Center as I think I would be in a panic right now.