Sunday, November 23, 2008
Building Update - November 23
(Two weeks ago.) Much more steel on the building and less on the ground! Last week they almost finished with all of the round vertical support poles, overhead beams and the roof support slats.
This past week they finished up the top and worked on the horizontal wall supports. It is fun to be able to see where the windows and doors are going to be. No more big trucks will be able to drive inside the building any more. I suppose the walls and the roof will be next. I get an excited feeling when we walk around in there anticipating what it will look like. Dee and Melissa and I went to Jackson Hole, Wyoming to see a new childcare center there. The owner is a very confident lady and charges $15/hour or $90/day for infants. Melissa and I didn't think is was worth it and that it was her "I'm the best" attitude that sold her. She has no early childhood background but was a "baby nurse" and a lactation specialist. She said she was a college drop out so I don't even know if she has a true nursing degree. Anyway, we plan to make ours even better, but not as expensive. We could never get away with that in Riverton. I'm sure we will be the most expensive one in Riverton though.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Roommate Pictures!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Steel Uprights on Building
This past week they started putting up the supports for the steel building. Here are a few pictures of their progress. The kids loved watching the process out the window.
Notice a section of our white fence missing in the back. We had a big windstorm a couple of weekends ago (while we were in Utah) and a section blew over. It had been previously broken and the neighbors claimed that the construction workers hit it with their equipment but there were no marks on it and the building superintendent insisted that they didn't hit it with anything. The neighbor kids have been pretty rough on it before and have broken several slats. Who knows how it happened but Dee and Quinton and Ryan repaired it yesterday. It was necessary because they have 3 dogs and one is a mean Rottweiler.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Quinton receiving Eagle Scout Award
Quinton received his Eagle Rank in scouting and his first palm on Wednesday, October 22, 2008. He resisted having a court of honor and just wanted them to hand him the award but finally consented. This is a new friend that recently moved into our ward congratulating him.
Three boys got their Eagles that night. None of them wanted much "hoopla" so we did a joint Eagle Court of honor following a regular boy scout court of honor.
This is Brother Powell who helped Quinton with his Eagle Project. He supervised him in sheetrocking, taping and painting a storage shed that will be used for canning and emergency food distribution. The shed is behind our Stake Center. Brother Powell is a recent convert and was wonderful to work with.
Dee and I with Quinton. Oops. I didn't notice that Dee's eyes were closed when I uploaded this picture.
Quinton, Nick Galloway and Ethan Billin all taking the Eagle Oath. The other two boys finished theirs a week or so before their 18th birthdays. The one on the right is already married.
Halloween at BYU
I figured I would post some pictures of last night. I threw my costume together in about an hour...I guess I was a country girl or something like that. My stake throws the best Halloween party at BYU I am pretty sure. I wish I had taken my camera, but I didn't, so I will just tell you about it. There was a fun house, a maze, tons of games to win whole candy bars, a costume contest, and dancing! It was a lot of fun!
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